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    « Green Thumb Sunday | Main | R.I.P. Zucchini »

    July 23, 2007



    Hi Heather: My future daughter-in-law also loves frogs! My theme? I have lots of statuary, mostly cast offs from samples but the ones I tend to like have faces on them. Posted about that in May or June. No time to look that up...sorry! Also, love the post about the outside shower and LOL at the cold water hitting you as I have one just like yours only not so landscaped. It is behind the barn and only the critters in the field can observe any shower taken there so no problem with screening. It is cold though!


    My garden theme is/will be Japanese minimalist, utilizing specific specimen plants, native stone benches, and graveled paths. My little (600 gal)pond and stream is usually rain-fed, and is inhabited by many-generation descendants of six goldfish.
    My larger (8'x10')of two pergolas supports native wisteria,clematis,and Fall-blooming Jaanese wisteria. I despair of any of those ever covering the top for shade.
    The smaller arbor has a Frye grape vine. This year so far I have six grapes. Nothing does well in this NC beach sand.


    I have several themes, depending on where you look. I definitely like to attract garden fairies to my garden, wherever I can.

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

    Nan Ondra

    How fun to read about your multiplying frogs, Heather. They definitely count as garden whimsy. I predict even more frogs in your future!

    Lisa at Greenbow

    Frogs are great whimsy for the garden Heather. Yours look right at home here. I have a frog or two of my own amongst many other things.

    Heather's Garden

    Carol -- Your fairy garden is absolutely charming. You've been gardening a lot longer than I have and have had more chances to develop themes...hoes for instance!

    Nan -- You're absolutely correct about people starting to give you collection themed gifts. My sister started it all with a figurine of a fish from Italy which turned into a china cabinet full of glass fish, wooden fish, fish jewelry, fish soap, you name it, it's been given to me.

    Lisa -- I just saw a garden full of real live frogs. I'm afraid I prefer my fake ones...I can't quite get over the fear that one will jump on my flip-flop shod foot.

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