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    « Still Planting | Main | Originally titled Tomatoes! »

    July 02, 2007



    I have multiple things to say about this. First, if I had picked up a spider, I would have FREAKED. OUT. No question about it.

    Second, I do like spiders in their webs, where I can look at them and admire them without touching them.

    Third, that dragonfly pic is gorgeous!

    Fourth, those dirty, dirty cucumber beetles. Hooray for bringing in a killing blow!


    ?fornicating? beetles....who, but you, would ever think up such a thing!

    it made me laugh all morning.

    oh, please note. get hanging baskets that have a plastic insert in them. they curve up over the deep bottom so that excess water is trapped somewhat, a way from tender roots.

    Deb Michel

    Although it looks creepy enough, I am pretty sure that the brown recluse spider has extra legs, that is, more than eight. This one has eight.

    That said, there have been other things about those very venomous spiders that have been incorrectly reported, such as their range and what they look like and how big they get etc.

    Stay clear, I say!

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