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    « HELP! | Main | Green Thumb Sunday »

    July 13, 2007



    Heather: Can you cover them with netting at night? Not something I would want to do either! Try Garden Neem. I should tell you that I do sell this product but it is OMRI registered as safe on edible crops even on the day of harvest. It has a bitter taste which the bugs don't like. It is available at most Garden Centers and also at the Garden Guys link on my website. Good luck!

    Heather's Garden

    Layanee - Would it taste bitter on basil to a human's palate? I mentioned the idea of covering the basil every night to VPH and he actually laughed at me. So not going to happen.


    Heather: Yeah, I am with him on that kind of management! I know the Neem oil won't hurt you and it can be washed off. I haven't actually tasted it! Guess I'll have to give it a try!

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