Yup, Mr. Brown Thumb, I'm talking to you. Of course anyone who can help me identify these butterflies is encouraged, nay ordered, to comment.
This guy must have been tired, he was just sitting on a bean leaf:
The butterfly below sure is enjoying that cosmos. Note the proboscis which I couldn't see with the naked eye. Come to think of it, my eye was behind the camera most of the time so maybe you could see it with the naked eye.
Then I took about a zillion photos of this butterfly greatly enjoying my petunias. See the brown spot on the right side of the plant?
Don't worry, I got a lot closer:
Sorry, this was the only shot I got of the top of the wings and the butterfly must have been in motion, but I think it's the same butterfly that I photgraphed on the bean leaf above:
I have to admit that after about 15 minutes I got bored and wandered away, but I glanced over and the butterfly hung around for a while.
Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. So far the Red Admiral is the only butterfly that I know by name. Don't let the butterflies that visit my garden be strangers to me!
Heather: I have no knowledge of butterflies except the monarch. I am butterfly illiterate! Yours is pretty though and the petunia looks like velvet!
You asked in a previous post about potting soil. Well, given the amount of containers you have I would suggest going to the garden center of your choice and asking them if they will sell you a 3.8 compressed bale of grower's mix. These are professionally formulated for the grower and are usually peat, perlite and vermiculite with a starter charge of fertilizer and a bit of wetting agent. The bale will cost you twenty bucks or more but will yield over 7 cu ft of soil. You can use it as a soil amendment also. Hope this helps!
Posted by: layanee | August 15, 2007 at 08:13 PM
Heather sorry I didn't see this earlier but I just came across it while looking through technorati.
I think I caught the same guy in my garden and I'm going to ask the Butterfly gardening forum to see if they can help.
I'll be back
Posted by: MrBrownThumb | September 05, 2007 at 01:39 AM
Hi again,
I just check my pics and while I have a brown one too I don't think they are the same butterflies. Are you a member of gardenweb.com? I'm going to post mine in the forum and see if they can help ID mine, if you're a member post your link and see what they say.
Posted by: MrBrownThumb | September 05, 2007 at 01:52 AM