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    September 28, 2007



    Wow, you really got some great shots. I can't wait to see the one that you are holding onto.
    Your flowers are really pretty too.


    Great monarch shots. It amazes me that when I grab the camera and try to take a shot of these beautiful and graceful creatures which seem to be gliding so slowly they streak, shoot and move just out of camera range with very little effort! Good job! Love the pentas also!


    Oh what great shots you got!!! I need a camera like yours! So sharp and clear! They are really stupendous!!!


    you can't imagine how many times i've chased these things around my garden. NEVER caught one! your pictures are fabulous! nice work!

    Heather's Garden

    Chigiy -- Thanks. I've got special plans for that one remaining shot. Stay tuned.

    Layanee -- It really is amazing how they slowly glide, sit, and then run away!

    Julie -- My camera is a 3-year old Canon Powershot. It's a small, light camera that I can tuck into my purse. I think it's only a 4 mega-pixel if I remember correctly.

    Gina -- Be patient, I too chased many times compared to the 2 times I've actually gotten photos. I'm still trying to get the huge dragonflies that I see flying through the garden to land long enough for photos.

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