On Sunday I went outside for a moment just to see what the weather was like. The tomatoes were looking a little droopy, so I grabbed the hose and started watering the vegetable garden. I looked over at the pink pentas and OMG there was a monarch butterfly on one of the flowers. I dropped the hose (water still running) and tore inside. "Where's my camera?" I shouted to VPH and younger step-son as I ran around the kitchen in a circle.
Of course I found it on the table with the battery in the charger and then I remembered leaving the memory card in computer. I reassembled the camera and ran out the side door. Incredibly the monarch was still there. It flew away and came back twice and I was able to get a bunch of photos before it left for good.
I haven't done anything to the following photos except crop them:
I think the first photo is now the front runner for the Christmas card. I'm so happy.
heather - very nice photos! plus, i never see people post pictures of pentas so i started to think i made mine up. how tall are yours?
Posted by: gina | September 03, 2007 at 12:08 AM
Oh, how beautiful! Christmas cards showing this lovely event would be wonderful - and a
happy reminder that Spring will come again.
P.S. Great title!
Posted by: Mummer | September 03, 2007 at 06:40 AM
Beautiful shots! The colors are so striking.
Posted by: jean | September 03, 2007 at 08:36 AM
Gina - I have one that's dead which I'll post tomorrow. A red one that I think is stunted because it was in a too small a container (so it fits inside a decorative container, but I just repotted it in a larger container -- it's 10 inches tall. And in the hanging basket of hot pink pentas pictured they're about 18 inches tall. You're right, I haven't seen pentas in many other blogs. I think they're great plants, just a little deadheading and they've been blooming like crazy.
Mom - We'll see if I get my act together to 1. have cards made and 2. actually send them out. You're on the list so you'll hear first.
Jean - thanks, my mom kept asking me if that's really the color of the flowers, like I'm skilled enough at photoshop to tweak it, lol. I actually printed the first picture above on photo paper and put it on my desk at work to help me face the fact that the tree out my window is changing colors -- way ahead of schedule!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | September 04, 2007 at 01:42 PM