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    October 02, 2007



    Heather: LOL at that post! That was a grading rake and I had one but the pegs break and then you are left with...garbage as they are hard to replace so you go out and buy one of those mega aluminum grading rakes and they weigh 100 lbs and your arms get tired using them and so on and so on and so on. I have never found anything on this previously wooded lot except stone walls. Maybe there is an arrowhead or two buried somewhere but I have yet to find one!


    I have no idea what you would do with that old rake. Maybe if you hosed off, cleaned it up a bit, you'll come up with something. Maybe stick it in a container to use as a trellis for a small vine?

    Carol at May Dreams Gardens

    Heather's Garden

    Layanee -- that's what VPH and the strong step-sons are for -- the heavy duty upper body strength required jobs! It's actually pretty creepy to keep finding these things. Who were the people who lived here who decided, oh this spot looks like a good place to throw all our trash. VPH is convinced that he's going to find a body one of these days.

    Carol -- I had the same thought, I'll have to experiment in the spring, but I still think it will just look like I stuck a broken rake in a pot.

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