Santa was very good to us all this year and I ended up taking a little more of a vacation that I had planned on. I did save vacation time so I didn't have to work between Christmas and New Year's, but I also took a break from showering, getting dressed, and leaving the house for most of that time too. Blogging didn't even rate on the list of things I should have been doing!
VPH gave me Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii (among many really nice gifts), so we all kind of knew I'd be unavailable for a while, but I sort of underestimated the degree to which I would become obsessed. I beat it and then I started over again from the beginning. Thank goodness I have to go back to work in a few days or I might be lost forever!
There were many wonderful presents (and I am very difficult to shop for, I don't give lists and I'm really picky), but I thought you might like to see the ones that are garden-related.
Here's a better view of the gifts:
From the top clockwise: amaryllis kit, gardener's hand sanitizer, faucet splitter (for our extremely complicated hose configuration), a laminated field guide to local bugs, 2 gardening books (I'll let you know if they were helpful), a deep root weeder, and a paperwhite bulb. (My mom also gave me gardening gifts, more on those in the spring.)
VPH told me just before Christmas how much he's enjoying having live plants all over the house. Truthfully, I think he's enjoying this gardening thing as much as I am! The tree is holding up great with just one watering a week. I'd planned to put it outside on Wednesday, but we're getting a really cold spell right around then, so I think it will live in the living room for a week or so more.
The poinsettia's still looking good, but it's losing a lot of leaves (it's not under- or over-watered and I left the lost leaf in the photo on purpose). I still can't get a decent photo of it without the flash:
Everyone warned me that rosemary trees are tough to keep alive inside, but no, I'm little miss gardener, yeah right:
Have you ever seen anything sadder? I have:
I swear to God I watered it properly. I am definitely bringing back this $30 tree and insisting upon a refund (or I might try one of the rosemary topiaries instead -- yes, I am an idiot).
On the bulb front - the amaryllis was in full bloom on Christmas Day, and it's still beautiful. I'd be surprised if it lasts for another week though. Luckily I have that new bulb that VPH gave me for Christmas. It also ended up being rather orange. I think next year I'll shell out for an identified bulb rather than a cheapo from Christmas Tree Shops:
The paperwhites in the hallway aren't doing much, but I think we'll just move one into the bathroom as the previous blooming one fades. The first is still doing great:
I pulled out the hyacinth I could reach to check the water level and was pleased with the level of growth so far:
Maybe 2 more weeks and I'll take one out of the dark:
So it was a lovely holiday all around and with the exception of the rosemary tree, things are growing right along. Hope you all had as nice a time as we did!