I'd never seen a red dragonfly before Thursday when I wandered outside during a break in the punishing rainstorms to find this on a bean leaf:
Highly likely that this will be a calendar shot (it's a different bean leaf):
I had a really hard time narrowing down the 50+ in focus shots to these three:
So you have an idea of the scale...note the dragonfly on the leaf a little more than half way down:
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It's also the first time I've ever seen a red one myself. It's quite beautiful, and your photos are excellent.
Posted by: Aiyana | July 28, 2008 at 03:35 AM
Aiyana -- Thanks! I've asked a lot of people and they've never seen a red one before either. I'm so glad I saw it and got to my camera in time.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | August 04, 2008 at 10:00 PM