Slow weekend in the garden, which was exactly what VPH and I needed. No real gardening being done, just harvesting and tidying up.
First, as promised, a picture of the morning glory in bloom:
Which is difficult because all the blooms are above my head:
Another climber that's making me happy these days is the purple hyacinth beans:
The dead cucumber was ripped out today and the other cucumber is not looking too good (after I took the photo I removed the bad leaves):
The zucchini still has beautiful male flowers, but no female flowers:
The volunteer tomato plant is blossoming:
The wildflower patch was so over-shadowing the dahlias in pots on the lily pad stepping stones that I decided to pull them out of there. When VPH saw this micro-mini dahlia in the pretty pot sitting on the bar he said it was like we went out and bought a whole new plant. I said just wait until it blooms:
Speaking of blooming...some of these guys are lagging behind:
Bet you're wondering where the calendar worthy shots are. Wonder no more. This one's good:
This one's better:
I think this one's the best:
I was checking on the cherry tomato plants this morning when I spotted a really big bug on the sweet potato vine (aren't I nice to give you a box so you can see it?):
Is it a katydid? It's really pretty:
And this one is definitely calendar worthy:
Isn't it funny that I just said I haven't seen many butterflies and then poof there's a monarch on the zinnias. I just love that last photo of the mystery bug. I think I'll go make it my wallpaper now.
great pictures , interesting bug an lovely garden.
Posted by: rosemary | August 11, 2008 at 06:42 PM
Love the red dahlia! Yep, it's a katydid.
Posted by: Katie | August 11, 2008 at 08:11 PM
Ooooh, I LOVE the picture of the katydid! He couldn't have picked a better background plant for himself if he tried, and you took a great photo of him.
What's your secret for photographing the butterflies, seriously? They always fly away just as I get them in focus... *sigh*
Posted by: Blackswampgirl/Kim | August 12, 2008 at 11:37 AM
Rosemary -- Thanks!
Katie -- Thanks for the confirmation of the katydid.
Kim -- I know, I'm so happy that I saw it. Butterflies...they're tough. I try and sneak up on them really slowly from behind. Then I hold the camera out away from me, keeping my body as far away from the butterfly as possible. It cracks VPH up to watch me, so I'm guessing I look pretty ridiculous doing it. I also use the macro setting on my camera, the focus option where I half press the shutter and it focuses (is that auto focus?), and just snap away as quickly as I can, not worrying about framing much.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | August 13, 2008 at 07:58 PM