I'm still terribly behind in getting the garden going, but I put in another 3 hours in today. Of course, not all of it was spent gardening. Like the time I spent trying to photograph the fattest bee ever in the azalea. I missed him, but I thought this photo was cheery and it captures the true color of the azalea a little better:
The seedlings are doing great. I probably should have started them a week or two earlier, but if I'm ever going to get serious about growing my own seedlings, I'm going to have to get a grow light or six:
In fact, I thought the moonflowers looked so good, it was time to get them in the ground. Plus if they fail after transplanting, I'll still have time to direct sow seeds:
Can you spot all four seedlings I planted in the patio garden? Hint...they're in front of the trellises:
Lemon thyme joined the herb pots, leaving space for only one more herb. I wonder what it will be? Cilantro's still leading the pack:
Since I'm over on the shady side of the house, let me update you on this section of the garden. I wish the hillside would look this good all summer, but alas, the marsh marigolds will die off soon leaving only struggling vinca. Two hanging planters of impatiens will brighten up the area a little:
I plopped a fern in the empty spot in this container (you can see the rather large fiddle-heads). It's either a Japanese painted fern or a cinnamon fern. I guess we'll see which shortly:
The bare-root astilbes are really coming along here, but I added a lamium (the label said pink flowering):
And I added another here, though I did find that the hostas I put in this container are slowly making their way to the surface. I'm guessing I planted them too deep:
I added some dark salmon colored impatiens to the two containers flanking the front porch. Don't you just love the cinder blocks under the porch? I'm too scared of spiders to start pulling them out of there and I'm not sure where I'd put them anyway:
More impatiens, but I need to charge the drill to rehang the planter hooks that were on the 3 trees that were removed and I was just too tired to walk the blue pots to the other side of the house:
I'm getting there slowly, but surely. There's not that much left in the greenhouse (well lots of tomatoes, but I'm not ready to do those yet):
And that was my afternoon. Back inside the lilacs are pretty much done and the wind and rain did a number on the bleeding hearts, so I trimmed off the bent/broken stalks and stuck them in a vase. Certainly not the most conventional flower arrangement ever, but I like it:
If I can put in 3 hours every day this week I just might get all my seeds sown and seedlings planted by May 15th, which has been my goal all along. Do you have a gardening goal that you're working toward?
Wow, your seedlings look great, Heather, and so do your containers! I really appreciate you sharing the link for the post, as well as the two other gems, for the GGW Design Workshop. I've added them to the wrap-up post.
Posted by: Nan Ondra | June 01, 2009 at 05:02 PM
Nan -- Thanks. One of these days I will have to do a devoted shade gardening post, but this month was devoted to getting the garden going, which is done, thank goodness!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | June 01, 2009 at 05:12 PM