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    May 17, 2009



    your veggie container planting is really inspiring. I love two tomato plants in beautitiful pots, at the sides of the bench - thanks for sharing.


    You have been busy and I am catching up on posts and now I am tired just from reading all you have accomplished! The containers are a great color and I love the sweet potato vine with the turquoise in addition to all your veggies. The bee balm will appreciate frogs at its' feet I think. While it does spread, it is quite easy to pull out being a shallow rooter. My creeping thyme is looking great and spreading to fill the spot by the ledge. I have to get a great picture of it for you to see. Thanks for the 'shout out'.


    Wow you've certainly been busy. I have so much to do here.

    Heather's Garden

    Ewa -- Thank you! I do tell people all the time that you really don't need that big a container to grow tomatoes.

    Layanee -- Thanks for the info on the bee balm, I can't wait to see it blooming over the frogs. Do post a photo of the creping thyme, although since we never made our trip to Logee's, maybe another visit to the ledge is in order.

    Elizabeth -- I wouldn't be nearly as far along with the menfolk. Year 3 has definitely been easier than years 1 and 2 thus far. There's still some heavy work to do (spreding mulch - ugh!), but we're definitely in good shape.

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