As several people wrote to tell me (thanks, ladies), the plants with buds that I thought were day-lilies turned out to be Siberian irises. Much to my and my friend Mary's surprise:
They're beautiful and a darker purple than they appear in the photos:
I still have to mulch the patio garden, but it's looking pretty good:
These petunias are almost obnoxiously pink and I'm not sure if I like them or not:
But I'm loving these, a double petal flower? I had no idea when I bought them:
And I liked the colors and textures of the bud on the perilla:
I stopped into Joann Fabric for a ribbon of all things and their garden stuff was 50% off. I couldn't resist this adorable wind-chime for $9.99. I can even drill drainage holes in the bucket and stuff a little plant in there. Now what plant and where am I going to hang it:
It took visiting 3 different stores to find small tomato cages for the other 4 dahlias here:
The sunflowers along the wall are popping up, but something's eating their leaves:
I have Royal Purple Bush beans and nasturtiums in the planter table, but one of the cucumber seedlings didn't make it:
I'm pretty excited about all these carrot seedlings:
I wonder what today will bring?
Love your blog Heather, thanks for sharing, it's been a joy to read since I discovered it recently.
I'm from Scotland but I now live in the US. I've always liked gardening but I'm just not that great at it yet. I'm just loving all the plants you can grow here that I wouldn't be able to back home. Your page is an inspiration.
Posted by: Nicola | June 01, 2009 at 12:50 AM
Nicola -- Thanks, that's so nice of you!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | June 02, 2009 at 11:01 AM