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    June 22, 2009



    I'm in zone 6b in southern NJ and its been wet as well. I see you are making great use of your space. What state are you living in?

    I once had sprouts in my bird feeder too, then I switched to just black oil sunflower seed in my feeder and put the mixed feed on the ground. - Dave


    the lamium is beautiful. my house is damp, the few rosebushes are bedraggled & have yellow bug-et leaves!

    Jennah - MD

    Want some more lamium? It's a weed here! A pretty weed, but a weed nonetheless. I think it's done for this year anyway.

    ANd my birdfeeder looked like that until I washed it out, too! If it would just rain ONCE a week, that would be nice.


    Hi Heather
    just wanted to stop by and say hi. I usually like a little rain break but unfortunitely by customers don't like to get biz is slow.
    Yes Hydrangea love this weather!!!
    Ours look great this year!!

    Heather's Garden

    Dave -- Thanks! I'm in southern, central CT about a mile from Long Island Sound. I'll check out your site.

    Jonquil -- Sun is in our forecast! I just hope it sticks around for a while.

    Jennah-MD -- I've heard from some people that lamium grows like a weed for them, but it's my first time growing it in my garden. It's certainly trying to take over the container it's in!

    Carole -- Sun this weekend! My hydrangea is blooming like mad.


    I wish we had some rain - Instead I think we are on 12+ days of 100° weather.


    I just came across this site and I absolutely love it! Thank you!


    The bird seed sprouting is too funny -makes me think of a 5th grade biology project!

    Heather's Garden

    Eric -- We all want what we don't have, don't we? The sun came out this afternoon finally!

    Maggie -- Thank you so much!

    Bea -- I emptied it tonight, it was all gross and smelly in the bottom. I think I need to drill some drainage holes in the bottom of the feeder. But hopefully we won't have 3 straight weeks of rain again!

    Hit 40

    Your poor birdfeeder!!! Yuck.

    I have been surprised how well my Japanese ferns have held up. I thought I killed them the first year from lack of water....

    but they popped right back up. I want to get an ostrich fern with really big leaves.

    Heather's Garden

    Hit 40 -- It's okay now, but I'm still debating drilling those holes. I love ferns, I think I'll be adding more and more of them.

    Pam Stevens

    Hi. How are you? Really enjoyed your site. I was wondering where you found and purchsed the half moon stepping stone. I have the sun with the saying on it. But I really liked the one with the half moon. Maybe I can find one near me. Thanks!!!

    Heather's Garden

    Pam -- Christmas Tree Shops, but it was a while ago, don't know if they'll have any left. Hope I didn't offend you with the cheesy saying comment, I'm just not a very sentimental person.

    Pam Stevens

    Hello again,
    Oh no, you did not offend me. I just like the sun and moon glow in the dark stones. The half moon was unique. Maybe one will turn up for me soon. Thanks for your response. Also, I found another site similar to yours. It's called rantings,ravings,and or something like that. Thought you might like to check it out. Talk to you soon.


    Hi! Any info about that "albino" stalk? I have one two, exactly the same, and I'm going to try and cultivate it.


    ^ I have one *too*

    Heather's Garden

    Bkgarden -- It didn't survive the winter. I've seen a few here and there at garden centers, but don't care for pineapple mint enough to buy another.

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