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    « Sunny And Warm, But I Can't Garden Because Of The Weather?! | Main | About Those $100 Potatoes »

    April 30, 2010




    You will be busy this weekend, won't you? I have a thing for coleus too and always try to buy a few different ones each season. I don't think I've ever seen the ivory peppers you know if they are sweeter than the green ones? I grew purple peppers last year and almost hated to harvest them because they looked so good on the vine.

    Happy Planting!


    Coleus have a long and honorable history, particularly in Victorian times.
    May I have a seed-head from your 'funky'
    one? It will be a happy perennial here.
    Also, I'll trade you very sweet Marconi pepper seeds for some of your Ivory ones when the time comes - I've never seen them before.

    Heather's Garden

    Debbie -- Ivory peppers are new to me, but I'll be sure to post on them through the growing season. I had the same problem with purple peppers!

    Mom -- If it grows well I'll probably take a few cuttings this year to grow inside over the winter for next season and if so I'll bring one down to you at Thanksgiving. I'll try to remember to save some seeds from the ivory peppers.

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