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    April 28, 2010



    We are definitely ahead of schedule. I looked back a few years and I have never had my tulips blooming so early!

    I did this to my eggplants last year. It's funny how they spring right back into shape once they warm up.


    Really weird weather all over the U.S. The last time Southwest Florida hit 90 degrees was fully 6 months ago - right now at 10 am it's 68 degrees.
    Great weather for tree trimming but our garden tropicals (and our fish) are shivering!

    Heather's Garden

    Sylvana -- Those eggplants are amazing. I carefully separated them today and planted them in their home for the summer and after that abuse you'd expect them to flop over, but they're doing great.

    Mom -- I wonder if it was warmer in CT or FL today?

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