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    « About Those $100 Potatoes | Main | Little By Little »

    May 03, 2010



    More 90 degree weather here - you are so lucky to enjoy blooms that aren't heat-withered.
    A brick-lined fire pit? Maybe a little dividing wall? Or a pretty border for one of the flower beds? I'm looking forward to an explanatory picture.


    Heather you are a bundle of energy. I am catching up and love the potato bins in particular. You accomplished quite a bit this past weekend and with three weeks to Memorial Day, your summer is on a roll.


    The white tulip shot is so calendar-worthy! Please consider it - and perhaps, unearth the bulb and store it for Fall planting.

    Heather's Garden

    Mom -- The tulip is a potrait oriented photo, so not right for the landscape oriented calendar, but I like it too. I thought about digging out all the bulbs, but just couldn't be bothered.

    Layanee -- I don't know about the bundle of energy part, I'm racing against the clock so we can maybe have a Memorial Day picnic since the garden is actually looking pretty good.

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