A huge line of thunderstorms came through this morning, so it was almost 1pm before we could even walk outside to check on the garden. A few random brown leaves ended up in the middle of the lawn and we have no idea where they came from, but other than that, no damage. As I leaned over to see if the wildflower seedlings were making any progress at all I saw something a little bit different:
Sure looks like a Japanese maple seedling to me. I could easily have missed it:
So I grabbed a trowel and a small black plastic container filled with potting mix and carefully dug up the seedling (and some wildflowers/weeds along with it) and transplanted it:
I hope it a.) survives, and b.) is a Japanese maple.
Those things seed like CRAZY at my parents' house. My mom pots some up to let them grow before giving them away. She's always trying to give me darned Japanese Maples!! :)
Posted by: Jennah - MD | May 08, 2010 at 08:51 PM
You are so lucky! My Japanese maple (in NC)
drop seeds but nothing's ever developed. You have a treasure!
Posted by: mummer | May 09, 2010 at 07:24 AM
P.S. I just reviewed your stacks of bricks. The shape(s)somewhat remind me of a container platform - probably because they were next to those lovely blue-glazed pots.
Could that be it? Are you going to build a container/pot stand?
Posted by: mummer | May 09, 2010 at 07:39 AM
Looks like a JM to me!
Posted by: Katie/Gardenpunk | May 09, 2010 at 05:24 PM
Jennah -- That's a nice problem to have. I love the look of them so much. Do you take any?
Mom -- Nope, you still haven't guessed correctly.
Katie -- I'm going to take that as positive confirmation!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | May 09, 2010 at 08:55 PM