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    « Tomatoes And Peppers Oh My | Main | Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - May 2010 »

    May 14, 2010



    Expensive habit!

    Heather's Garden

    No shit. I really have to stop.


    Double goody! ?Fingerling AND Red Skin potatoes for Thanksgiving?

    Jennah - MD

    I adore lemon thyme. It smells so wonderful! Mine gets pretty big. In fact, I just took about 12 freezer bags full of it to work last week to give away! Just planted a lime basil this year as well.

    I like the single flowering marigolds as well. Always have a harder time finding them, though!

    The extra money doesn't count. You HAD to buy them. Plus, it'll pay off if you harvest a bunch. Worth it!

    Heather's Garden

    Jennah -- Lemon thyme may be my favorite herb. Every single person who has come through the garden has loved the smell of it, so it seems to be pretty universal. And the pots will last for years...I hope.

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