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    June 24, 2010



    Your tomato plant looks amazing. All of our tomato plants that we have in containers look much smaller than the ones in the ground. Hoping they get much larger soon!


    Amazing that the self sown nasturtiums and petunias are blooming already!Glad you're feeling good :)

    Heather's Garden

    Meemsync -- That is by far the saddest looking tomato plant in my garden. It is in the smallest container and I keep forgetting to water it daily as it requires. It's lost at least half its foliage. However it is the first to get to ripe fruit, though there are many plants now with fruit set...even the two that I grew from seed!

    Cyndy -- The nasturtiums aren't self-sown, but I did get them into that raised bed really early. It also gets the most sun of any spot in my garden, so they're very happy there. I'm amazed by the self-sown petunias though. Just another example of how great our spring was this year!


    I was so tickled with your post's title - it's a line from the 1983 movie 'Trading Places'. (Mummer's Hitchcock moment!)
    Your tomatoes look delicious, however, my true love is those Yukon Gold potatoes - yummy!

    Heather's Garden

    Mom -- Maybe that's why it popped into my head. I've seen that movie a million times.


    I love the contrast of the astilbe against the container too, and, WOW, I'm jealous of your tomato plant!

    Heather's Garden

    Andrea -- It's even more striking today. I think I have to go try and get another photo. The tomato plant looks even worse though. I recommend buying one in the spring to get a jump on the tomato season. This is two years in a row that we've done it. Of course last year it ended up being my best producing tomato since we had such a terrible wet spring/early summer, but this year it will just be an early taste.

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