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    June 15, 2010


    Jennah - MD

    Are those Royal Purple Bush Beans from the seed I shared! I love to see how that stuff is doing. So neat! :) Mine are flowering, but no beans quite yet.

    Heather's Garden

    Jennah -- They're not, they're leftover from one of last year's packages, so I'm pleased with the germination rate. You sent me Royal Burgundy Bush beans, which will be planted shortly. I'm trying to make sure we have a long bean season this year. The Black tomato is a seed from you though!

    Jan Smith

    There isn't a picture here I don't love. The rhodo with the fuchsia impatiens and chartreuse whatever is so fabulous. I too have been loving a gerbera daisy that I bought to make the house look bright before we sold it. Kind of a the orange of a California poppy. So happy. I have had a dozen blooms and the thing has been going for six weeks.
    Joe-Pye weed reminds me of walks with my dad: "Oh--there's ruddy Joe-Pye weed!" (points with walking stick). Every plant was his friend.
    Thanks for your beautiful blog. Something to aspire to.

    Heather's Garden

    Jan -- You're much too kind! That's creeping jenny in the container with the rhodo and the impatiens. Your story about your dad reminds me of my grandfather. Every plant was his friend too.


    I wonder who Joe Pye was? Anyway, it is a great butterfly-attracter so shortly you should see many colorful visitors.
    Be sure to have pots of parsely, too. Swallowtails, especially, love to feed on it - they will lay their eggs (litle black dots) on the stalks, and then the hatchling caterpillars will eat it down to the ground. And then, next year, an explosion of fluttering beauties.


    I love your containers on the tree stump...they look perfect there!

    Heather's Garden

    Mom -- You're silly.

    Leslie -- Thank you, I like to think of it as making lemonade out of lemons. Tough spot to garden with the shade, hill, and maple roots, so containers it is!


    Your Joe Pye Weeds are further along than mine - and I wonder who Joe Pye was too:) We moms are like that - lol. I have a gerber daisy in a pot that I thought had died in the cold this winter. I bought another one and before I could replace the "dead" one, it put out new growth and has started blooming.

    Heather's Garden

    Melody -- I guess I can claim the Joe Pye Weeds as my own and say thank you, though they aren't technically in my garden and are definitely volunteers. Where do you garden? I'm pretty sure a gerbera daisy left out over the winter here would not survive.


    I live in North Florida. I have gerbers in the ground that come back every year and some in a container. The ones in the ground came back before the one in the pot this year so I thought it was dead. We had winter temps down in the low teens several nights in a row this year.

    Heather's Garden

    Melody -- That makes sense...the part about you gardening in North FL. Like you I would have thought the container gerbera daisy was dead.

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