Sunday dawned hot and sunny...not the best conditions for photographs or really for this gardener either. Lee opted to stay at the hotel and relax as I headed off. No buses that day, so I hung around the lobby to see if anyone needed a ride. Many opted to walk the 2 miles to Lancaster Avenue to see more Garden Walk Buffalo gardens, but I did manage to find a touring buddy for the day, Dee of Red Dirt Ramblings and boy was she a fun buddy! First stop was Gordon and Brian's house since I had skipped the rainy cocktail party there on Friday. I came away with the strangest photos that don't really tell you much about their beautiful garden:
What was I trying to capture here? The baskets of flowers on the fence maybe? Since it was raining so hard on Friday afternoon they issued an open invitation for Sunday morning for any who wanted to come visit. I was glad I didn't miss seeing their beautiful space:
It was about 10am and they'd hosted a party the night before. I can't imagine I'd like 10 bloggers showing up to my garden bright and early, but they were very gracious hosts:
And it was one of the few places I actually saw vegetables growing. In containers no less! On the driveway, but hey, you take sun where you can find it:
I loved the cucumber growing up the support:
Brian told us about another garden nearby that we had to see. He gave us directions, but I don't think I was fully awake yet either and asked him to hop in the car and guide us. Somehow I think if we found the correct street we would have spotted this one without him:
Poor Jennifer was still in her PJs and getting ready for a family gathering that afternoon, but like everyone else in Buffalo she ushered us into her garden with a friendly smile and a hearty welcome:
There were so many focal points my head was spinning and this was still the front garden:
I love this fountain along the walk to the back garden. Look at everything she has going here:
Loved the honeysuckle covered entrance to the back garden:
Oh yes, you know I had to sat down for a little while in those comfy chairs. This gave me a chance to chat with Jennifer and learn more about her garden:
I was fascinated by her beautiful pond:
And her gigantic fish. I asked if they overwintered in the pond. Jennifer told me she had a pond in her basement and a 'greenhouse' with lights for the plants that wouldn't make it through the winter. I said the power company must love her -- she agreed:
I commented that her garden must be a lovely place to have a party, she showed me that her charming pergola had strings of lights permanently attached, though they're not turned on in this photo. Ready for her parties to go late into the evening:
It was tough to leave such a beautiful spot, but I had promised Brian a ride back to his house (since we had all but kidnapped him) and Lancaster Ave awaited. Dee had to be back to the hotel by 1pm, so we didn't linger too long in any one place. Many photos have been shown by other blogers of Jim's charming home and garden (plus all my photos were over-exposed with the darned sun right overhead), but I was particularly taken by his window boxes:
We only sat for a moment and then moved on to the rest of his street. All the gardens were beautiful, but once again with bloggers everywhere I only took a few photos and enjoyed just being in the gardens instead. Apparently Sunday was a day of water features for me:
If you don't like your view, change it:
The homeowners made these containers and everything else in their garden:
This was their amazing water feature -- we all loved the moss:
And then it was back to Jim's for lunch. I think everyone has posted a photo of this sign in front of Jim's house, but it's worth doing so again for one last giggle:
I got Dee back to the hotel in time for her shuttle and then headed back to Jim's. I spent a lovely hour or so sitting and relaxing in his garden. I rescued a few gardeners from their long, hot walk back to the hotel and we sat in the lobby with a drink for one last visit. Lee and I opted out of dinner with the group that night and had room service instead followed by dessert at The Chocolate Bar (we'd passed it about 15 times during the weekend since it was practically next to the hotel). Two chocolate martinis and a piece of chocolate peanut butter pie negated the entire weekend's exercise and Lee had the biggest banana split I've ever seen in person. It was the perfect end to what surely will be known as our first trip to Buffalo because I am sure there will be more! Many thanks again to the organizers of Buffa10, Elizabeth and Jim, for an extremely well run event.
Awesome photos and walk. Sounds like you had the best of times in these beautiful gardens.
Posted by: tina | July 18, 2010 at 07:58 PM
Wow, I love your dessert for Sunday night! :-) I do wish I'd been able to see Brian and Gordon's garden in sunlight. I loved their veggies as well. That other garden near them looked really interesting. Once again, thanks for the rescue Sunday and I really enjoyed meeting and talking to you!
Posted by: Jean | July 18, 2010 at 08:09 PM
Tina -- Thanks! It really was a lovely day. It was also nice to go at our own pace...luckily Dee's pace is also a quick one!
Jean -- It was great meeting you too! I have a weakness for chocolate martinis and peanut butter in almost any form. I have to say the room service dinner was also quite good.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | July 18, 2010 at 09:52 PM
What a great recap. I'm definitely thinking that you need a little pond with some koi fish, Heather, given all those water feature photos you took!
Brian and Gordon's lush garden looked great, and I love Jim's window boxes, too... but I'm completely smitten with Jennifer's place. I would love to have her come over, walk through my house, and give me a few pointers on how to fix it up, Jennifer-style. :)
Posted by: Blackswampgirl Kim | July 18, 2010 at 11:58 PM
All of those gardens are amazing. It's really something to aspire to. Love all the koi ponds. Buffalo really knows how to garden! They don't dissappoint!
Posted by: meemsnyc | July 19, 2010 at 12:18 AM
Hi Heather, thanks for showing what we missed by leaving Sunday morning! I have to say, the gardens were incredible, Jim's, Lancaster, Brian and Gordon's and the one near them, but you went to the Chocolate Bar!!!! Lucky ducks! It was a pleasure to meet you. I have a photo of you and Lee in the ivy covered pergola at the Botanical gardens on this post today:
Posted by: Frances | July 19, 2010 at 07:03 AM
Kim -- Our first attempt at gardening included a little water garden in a 1/2 wine barrel complete with fish. It was too much maintenance for us so the fish moved inside and the barrel became an herb garden. I think we could all benefit from Jennifer's eye for design!
Meemsnyc -- You should head up there for Garden Walk Buffalo, you'd really enjoy it. It's really incredible to see it in person.
Frances -- I love that photo of me and Lee! I updated my last post to include a link to it. Yes, the Chocolate Bar was awesome, and here's how small a town Buffalo really is...our waiter from the night before was in there with some friends and recognized us! I have to admit I was oblivious, guess I was having to much fun with other bloggers at dinner, but Lee remembered him and we had a nice chat. Fantastic meeting you too!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | July 19, 2010 at 09:13 AM
Really enjoyed your Buffalo tours. I've seen some from past years and Buffalo rules when it comes to gardening in smaller spaces than what many gardeners have.
Just love it all !
Posted by: Patsi | July 19, 2010 at 04:55 PM
Hi Heather. Thanks for posting the wonderful pictures and for the compliments.
We truly enjoyed hosting you and the entire group in our Bird Ave gardens.Sharing is what we do best!
Posted by: Gordon Ballard | July 20, 2010 at 01:49 PM
Patsi -- Thanks, they are amazing gardeners and make me feel like I'm way underutilizing all the space I have.
Gordon -- No, thank you for opening up your garden to us! I hear you throw a pretty mean party too, maybe next time we come to visit we'll find out first hand.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | July 20, 2010 at 08:20 PM