Carol's been hosting GBBD for years over at May Dreams Garden, and now I'm a monthly participant after years of observing. And I actually have more than a few things blooming in the garden right now. The wildflowers are looking good, but quite yellow:
I know some people hate queen anne's lace, but I've always loved it, so I was happy that it showed up in the wildflowers (intentional or not):
The osteospermum are blooming again:
The nasturtiums have been a bright spot of color all summer:
The marigolds are doing really well since the Black Russian tomatoes lost all their lower leaves:
But all the tomatoes have blossoms on them:
I loved the shadows on the fence and the zinnias are pretty too:
The hot pink impatiens by the front door are a lovely shot of color each day:
Lee and I spent a good 30 minutes sitting on the front steps taking in this view:
We were hoping to get a closer look at the doves that have been visiting the feeder, but alas, they wouldn't come down from the overhead wires. What's blooming in your garden?
My garden is looking a bit tired as we are experiencing a very hot summer here on the Vancouver Island. This garden is new to me as we have just moved, so I am discovering what ever pops up. Dahlias are blooming at the moment and seem pretty happy, but many other things have passed their peak--namely the hydrangea, roses, and poppies.
We also have a lot of oregano in bloom which is keeping the bees happy.
I am excited that I have three red tomatoes, but I am worried about late blight (same fungus that caused the Irish potato famine), so I sprayed with copper sulfate today and now everything is blueish. The spray is considered an organic method, so my garden karma is good.
You know what else loves Queen Ann's lace? All the tiny beneficial insects! I think it's pretty.Your garden karma is healthy too!
Posted by: Jan | August 15, 2010 at 12:38 AM
People hate queen's annes lace really? I love it! One of my favorites. Its so dainty!
Posted by: meemsnyc | August 15, 2010 at 01:15 AM
What is it wildflowers and the color yellow? So many of ours in California are exactly the same way: screaming yellow. Your patch of yellow looks great!
Posted by: lostlandscape (James) | August 15, 2010 at 02:27 AM
A lot of fallish blooms are really yellow so I'll see more of it in September. Here, in my corner of the woods, it's hot as blazes, and supposed to cool to the 90s tonight. We'll see. Was thinking of you this week and wondering how the rest of your summer was going. Have a beautiful Sunday.~~Dee
Posted by: Dee @ Red Dirt Ramblings | August 15, 2010 at 08:29 AM
I love Queens Anne's Lace. I look forward to this time of year when the blue asters and queen anne's lace commingle. A very pretty happenstance. I love osteospermum and have many planted. Your photo of it is very pretty with the lighting. Are they in your banner also? I have only seen blue, white and magenta around here. The colors you have look so delicate in the pinks and yellows. Happy Bloom Day.
Posted by: Donna | August 15, 2010 at 11:13 AM
Queen's are allowed to bloom around the fringes of my gardens - I love them also. My osteos looked too tired to save so I enjoy your photo. Happy bloom day.
Posted by: joene | August 15, 2010 at 11:24 AM
Jan -- I must remember to fertilize my dahlias and see if I can get them to bloom.
Meems -- I've seen people curse it as a weed, to each their own I guess!
James -- I don't mind the yellow (any flowers are good at this point), but I wish we had gone through other colors first.
Dee -- I've been watching your weather reports on Twitter. I can't imagine still having that kind of heat. I'm enjoying the 70-80 range even if it does feel like the end of summer.
Donna -- Thanks, just late afternoon light. And yes, my banner is the same plants earlier in the summer when there were many more blooms! Impulse buy at Walmart because the colors were so pretty.
Joene -- There's a reason I gave you a nice close-up of the osteos, the rest of the hanging planter does not look so good!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | August 15, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Goody! Two calendar-worthy photos in one post - Queen Anne's lace, of course, and the oseospermum.
Posted by: Mummer | August 15, 2010 at 11:39 AM
Lovely composition on your osteospermum picture. Really like that.
Posted by: Ronny Bell | August 15, 2010 at 12:29 PM
Hi Heather, I'm very jealous of your nasturtiums - mine have done absolutely nothing! Your place looks beautiful and bountiful! Give me a call when you want to visit - I should be in most late afternoons :)
Posted by: Cyndy | August 15, 2010 at 01:59 PM
Mom -- Thank you, but I don't think either is a candidate for the calendar.
Ronny Bell -- Thanks, I have to admit I took about 20 photos and finally had to crop one to get what I was seeing in my head.
Cyndy -- About half of my nasturtiums died and those remaining have lots of bugs on them (photos can be so deceiving). I will give you a call, this week is shaping up to be crazy again.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | August 15, 2010 at 06:16 PM
It's lovely to see what's blooming at your place. You have some plants that are very familiar to me ... but the Queen's Anne Lace is a new one for me. It is quite pretty ... and looks great amongst the yellow wildflowers.
Posted by: Bernieh | August 16, 2010 at 12:52 AM
Bernieh -- Where are you gardening? Queen Anne's Lace is a very common wildflower in the northeast. It's a favorite of children because you can put a cut flower in colored water and the uptake through the stem will change the color of the flower.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | August 18, 2010 at 12:15 AM
I've got roses reblooming and phlox, of course! I'd like to invite you to share your garden with us at the Tuesday Garden Party:
We love to visit and your blog looks like a fun with with a lot of inspiration!
Posted by: Jami @ An Oregon Cottage | August 18, 2010 at 12:10 PM