Each evening I wonder how many of the moonflowers will bloom that night. It's become a challenge to get a photo that shows how lovely they are. This isn't it:
It helps that they start blooming in the very early evening:
But the flash makes it seem dark as night:
This is a particular favorite:
This was so much prettier in real life:
I love that it's exactly the way I imagined it would look:
I don't think this is quite calendar-worthy:
When you don't harvest anything in almost a week you end up with more than will fit in a bowl, but I was trying to get a nice harvest photo for the calendar:
I think I like this one better though:
I sent a few tomatoes home with a friend and we used a really large Brandywine (not pictured) for our taco dinner this evening. Now back to watching the moonflowers bloom. Let me know which photos are your favorites.
The moonflowers are pretty! Very nice!
Posted by: meemsnyc | August 08, 2010 at 12:52 AM
The moon flowers are such a showy flower, too bad we miss most of them. But the vegetables are my favorite. Yum.
Posted by: Donna | August 08, 2010 at 10:15 AM
The moonflowers look like they're made of silk - the sheen on the surface is so satiny soft (I guess it's from the camera flash but it still looks great). I'm coveting your tomatoes - I don't have any yet!
Posted by: Monica at Garden Junkies | August 08, 2010 at 07:56 PM
Moon shot #1 - and Harvest #2 are definitely calendar-worthy. I'm so looking forward to this year's photo pics.
Oh, but please, bring me some moon flower seeds. They will probably live all year here and should mask our boring poured-concrete fence.
Pass-along Italian tomatoes sprouts (from my
friend Mrs. Howell) are doing o.k. but we're getting little sun and a lot of rain suddenly. However, the warm moistness has helped my 'salvaged' gourd seeds to emerge from one of my containers (I saved two of those striped gourds from Thanksgving, and planted five seeds from each), so now I really feel like a farmer.
Posted by: Mummer | August 09, 2010 at 07:55 AM
Meemsnyc -- Thanks!
Donna -- Unfortunately we've been so busy we haven't been able to eat most of the veggies, but hopefully we'll start doing better.
Monica -- I hate using the flash, but the shiny leaves are a happy by product indeed. I can't believe you don't have any tomatoes yet. Even the two plants I grew from seed have produced tomatoes.
Mom -- I'm looking forward to this year's calendar too. I'm deadheading the moonflowers, so I doubt there will be any seeds produced. We could use some rain here. I think we're underwatering and the veggie garden is suffering.
Posted by: Heather's Garden | August 09, 2010 at 11:11 AM