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    « Some Actual Gardening | Main | Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - September 2010 »

    September 08, 2010


    Tracie J.

    I want and need the bundle to take my yard and garden from drab to fab. Right now, it's just kind of blah and needs a pick me up and organic makes it even better.


    I use these products, and they are pretty amazing!


    For the past three growing seasons I've proudly nutured, and happily consumed, various goodies from indeterminate Early Girls to vitamin-packed malabar - all yummy, bug-free and grown in containers on my lanai.
    This season I've got BUGs! White fly, mealybug, aphids and scale on all my veggies. I'm afraid of everyday pesticides (after all I eat my produce). I desparately need the organic pesticide bundle help.

    John  R.

    The best pesticide I've ever used (believe it or not) is two drops of dish detergent in a small spray bottle. After shaking, spray on leaves a few times per season - more often if you're gardening in a rainy climate.
    P.S.If you see bubbles, you're spraying too much!
    But, my garden needs help, and I want to try
    organic sprays, both for better results and to practice twenty-first century 'eco safety'.

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