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    October 04, 2010



    I really like the pic of the praying mantis on the wire. Great composition REGARDLESS if you cut off the tail or not.


    I absolutely love seeing Praying Mantis! I have never seen them in person in my life, and then this year I saw two of them. I felt extremely lucky!


    Even though the praying mantis is CT's state insect, I've never seen one in the wild. They're fascinating creatures! Great shots!

    Blackswampgirl Kim

    I've seen them before... but never one eating! Poor bee, but lucky you to have such a cool show. :)

    ps. I love love LOVE the praying mantis on the wire. I don't think you need the tail in that photo--the lines, color and detail are wonderful.

    Heather's Garden

    Katie -- Thanks! I'm just such a perfectionist.

    Meemsnyc -- both of those were neat sightings!

    Caroline -- I've always been so proud that our state insect is the praying mantis.

    Kim -- It was so gross. Fascinating, but oh so sad to watch the bee's leg thrash around. And thanks!


    When we were growing up in CT, we always used to say, "if you kill a praying mantis you will go to jail, since it's the state insect." It's funny to think about - but when I see one I'm always reminded of those innocent moments!

    Heather's Garden

    Shira -- That's exactly what we said that one time we saw one in New Haven! I wonder if little kids still say that now?

    Cindy Juliano

    I love your praying mantis pictures! One day a few years ago I found tons of them in my neighbor's peonies! And I tried to pick one up -- not advised since it tried to attack my fingers! I guess I was still like the little girl I was growing up in Georgia where I was always picking up bugs and collecting them in jars. They are such cool creatures, and I had no idea they are the state insect. Thanks also for commenting on my post. Cindy Juliano

    Cindy Juliano

    Love your blog by the way, and it's great to "meet" another CT garden blogger!

    Heather's Garden

    Cindy -- Wow, I would never have the guts to try and pick one up, but I won't even touch a worm without gloves! Yes, all of a sudden we have a bunch of CT garden bloggers. When I started there were only a handful. It's such a small state, we really should all get together sometime.

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