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    « I Can't Quite Capture It | Main | Okay, No Longer Enjoying The Fall »

    October 25, 2010



    I don't have the heart to rip out my pole beans yet. They keep producing and producing, so there might be snow on the ground before I pull it.


    Are we seriously on track to get our first frost before you? This is crazy insane like the energy of a 3 year old!

    Heather's Garden

    Meemsnyc -- I've found it's so much easier to clean them up in the spring than the fall, so mine stay out there all winter.

    Katie -- That would be bizarre. When does your first frost usually come? I've only been keeping track for a few years, but late October/early November is when it seems to arrive.


    Oh, is he a cutie! My beans are still producing, too - but my tomatoes (here in Southwest Florida 90 degree heat) are suffering from blossom drop, so I'm not harvesting anything other than huge red peppers.


    It is dragging on isn't it? Still no hard frost here but it has to happen and then it will probably snow at the same time. Cute little guy and the stevia does have pretty flowers.

    Heather's Garden

    Mom -- Isn't he? It's a good thing too. If he wasn't, I'm not sure any of us would survive age 3!

    Layanee -- Still no hard frost here, but we have had snow! The stevia flowers are even prettier now, I just can't get a photo that shows how lovely they are.

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