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    « Back To The Land Of All Snow | Main | Sometimes It Pays To Be Crazy »

    March 03, 2011



    It's the most wonderful time of the year!


    The snow finally all melted where we are. It's nice to see the ground again!


    Spring has also sprung in Southwest Florida!
    But I love New England 'signs of Spring' best!
    Would love to see some pix of snow drops and crocus bravely popping their leaves thru the chilly Earth!
    And I have your lovely 'snow blossoms' to remind me of blue, blue Connecticut sky.


    We have had the cold virus here but it is leaving with the melting snow. I am looking at really messy patches of garden and lawn. Ugly! It won't be long though.

    Heather's Garden

    Katie -- It's the most frustrating time of the year. Teasing us with warmth, but still another 6 weeks of possible frosts.

    Meemsnyc -- It's kind of brown and ugly, but it's nice not to have to fight ice everywhere!

    Mom -- If we still had snow and I had snow drops. But when I do see a blooming crocus, you will too. And why haven't you turned the page to the Marco sunset?

    Layanee -- Everyone I know is sick or just getting over being sick. Ugly gardens for sure, but signs of spring abound!

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