Mother Nature is playing with us I suspect. In February she sent us several days in the 60s, but today it was only 20-something. I guess March will be a lion. On February 18th my buddy Ryan came over to hang out and it was so warm I had to take a walk with him. Massive melting gave him all kinds of puddles to stomp through and rushing water in all the storm drains. He had a ball:
Luckily traffic was light because he was so excited he ran as fast as he could until I'd yell at him to stop and let me catch up. It was heaven being outside just wearing a hoodie over a t-shirt:
The warm temps have led to a lot of melting, but man, there is still a lot of snow out there (the rest of these pics were taken 3/3/11):
This is the north side of the house, so this pile (reduced by half -- it used to be all the way to the bottom of the windows) will be around for a while:
I haven't seen these planters (or that chair) since December:
I have a feeling that this berm (did you know that the word for a large pile of snow?) may be around until May:
One of the reasons I haven't posted in ages is because Lee and I have both been down with a virus since last Monday/Tuesday, hence the cough drops below next to evidence that the indoor plants haven't exactly flourished:
Here's some more evidence. The coleus is probably the most successful of the window plants, but one of the containers of strawberries failed completely. Still it was a little green to get us through a very long winter:
Lee bought me a very nice plant for Valentine's Day. I'm not certain what it is because it didn't have a label, but I'm pretty sure that it's a peace lily:
Still in the container that it came in above, but Lee came home and suggested we put it in the "magazine basket" we had used for another plant years ago. Good idea, Lee:
I suddenly felt like it was spring today so I went out to the garden to see if I could find any signs of it despire the 20-something degree weather. I may have been wearing a heavy winter coat and boots, but sure enough there were signs of spring to be found. A daffodil in the patio garden:
And a sure sign of spring, chives in one of the herb containers:
I was so excited that I bought a seed starting greenhouse kit today at Walmart. It's definitely that time of year. A few more weeks and we'll be springing ahead and tidying up the garden!
It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Posted by: Katie | March 03, 2011 at 09:29 PM
The snow finally all melted where we are. It's nice to see the ground again!
Posted by: meemsnyc | March 04, 2011 at 12:58 AM
Spring has also sprung in Southwest Florida!
But I love New England 'signs of Spring' best!
Would love to see some pix of snow drops and crocus bravely popping their leaves thru the chilly Earth!
And I have your lovely 'snow blossoms' to remind me of blue, blue Connecticut sky.
Posted by: Mummer | March 05, 2011 at 09:28 AM
We have had the cold virus here but it is leaving with the melting snow. I am looking at really messy patches of garden and lawn. Ugly! It won't be long though.
Posted by: Layanee | March 07, 2011 at 08:30 AM
Katie -- It's the most frustrating time of the year. Teasing us with warmth, but still another 6 weeks of possible frosts.
Meemsnyc -- It's kind of brown and ugly, but it's nice not to have to fight ice everywhere!
Mom -- If we still had snow and I had snow drops. But when I do see a blooming crocus, you will too. And why haven't you turned the page to the Marco sunset?
Layanee -- Everyone I know is sick or just getting over being sick. Ugly gardens for sure, but signs of spring abound!
Posted by: Heather's Garden | March 08, 2011 at 11:01 PM