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    « Oh This Is Dangerous | Main | Garden Bloggers Bloom Day - April 2011 »

    April 04, 2011



    You definitely captured some wonderful photos! Nice! I love butterfly gardens. They are so much fun.


    What gorgeous photos! I love seeing the different varieties of butterfly and the plants they choose to land on.


    "Oh!" I exclaimed out loud when I saw the first butterfly pic (the lunar moth), and my "ohs" got louder with each sucessive shot. Yes, you should definitely do a butterfly calendar! How totally lovely!!

    Heather's Garden

    Meemsnyc -- Thanks! It was my first butterfly garden, but hopefully not my last.

    Genevieve -- Thank you, it was quite an experience.

    Mom -- We'll see what happens this summer. I'm a few pics short for a full calendar.


    When did you go to the exhibit? Is this the one in SC? Was it worth the WHOLE $3.00 you had to shell out?

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