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    « Let The Record Reflect That Spring 2011 Really Began On April 17th | Main | Well Check One Thing Off The List »

    April 19, 2011



    Beautiful! And good luck!

    Craig @ Ellis Hollow

    Hadn't looked at your picture before I replied, Heather. We've got that similar edge effect going.


    Yes, an almost stained-glass effect! I love this pic for its utter simplicity.
    Good luck!

    Heather's Garden

    Aerie-el -- Thank you!

    Craig -- But yours is better. As usual, lol!

    Mom -- Thanks. I wish we had some light in the garden today, but it looks like it's going to be a gray, rainy day.


    What a beautiful leaf, the photo is so crispa and clear. Very pretty

    Hospital Dream jobs

    love this blog, keep up the good work!

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