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    May 27, 2011


    Melissa (irishgardenlady)

    I was supposed to make a garden budget? Oh man am I in trouble. But you did say herbs don't count right? Ok I may be I got a shrub...not safe.


    Oooh, pansies! I love them, too! To save for a fall bloom, continue to dead-head like mad, pinch back leggy stems, and hide in cooler shady areas while watering occasionally. And save a few seed-pods just in case.
    Referring to saving plants, how are your little Japanese maple seedlings doing? One of those would make a lovely hostess gift!

    Heather's Garden

    Melissa -- Perennials don't count at all in the budget!

    Mom -- I have tons of shady spots for them, but none where I will remember to deadhead them. More likely I'll give them a haircut in the late summer. The Japanese maple seedlings are all doing great. You may get one yet!


    The pansies will be back. Nothing you eat counts towards the garden budget. That's the grocery budget. So I think you're in good shape. What's groupon? I'll have to google that. I learn so much from you, Heather!

    Heather's Garden

    Wendy -- In that case I've only spent about $60 of my $100 annual budget and can keep shopping! I wish it worked that way, but I did set a budget and I need to at least try to stick to it. I'm sure you've discovered what Groupon is by now. Basically you buy a gift certificate for something. It can be you pay $25 for a $50 gift certificate to a restaurant, $27 for a $130 gym membership, that sort of thing. Try too, they're local to the CT shoreline and have some cool stuff.

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