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    « A Little Local Color | Main | Yum!!! »

    July 30, 2011



    The butterflies just resurfaced in the last three or four days. What we have here are swarms of dragon flies.... blue ones, green ones, purple ones. The later the season, the brighter the colors. I've had four Japanese beetles (and they were hungry, too) and a great show of hummingbirds. As for vegetables, Heather, I have the laziest vegetables on Earth. One time has turned pink. Except for the grape tomatoes, I have harvested NADA. I don't know if I started too late (planted from seed in May) but the carrots and zucchini and cucumbers are just being LAZY. Planted peppers and tomatoes from plants and even they are slow to grow. Spinach never happened and onions are making ME cry. I hope to do better next year! Glad Branford veggies are less lethargic.


    I've spotted lots of bees and a few dragon and butterflies. I love the dragonflies, their colors are so beautiful.


    We have no butterflies (except for the beauties that grace my bedroom wall) in our yard, but we do have huge fluttters of dragon flies.
    Unfortunately, due to a very angry nest of yellow jackets we're not enjoying our backyard much - but the creek's fish are leaping for amble servings of dragonfly lunch. !Yum!

    Heather's Garden

    Wendy -- I'm seeing a few dragonflies, but no swarms! No Japanese beetles and no hummingbirds. Veggies need water, are you watering more regularly? It's been a dry, hot summer so far.

    Rhoda -- I adore dragonflies too!

    Mom -- It's too hot to enjoy your backyard right now anyway. Is the pool refreshing?


    I flipped my calendar tonight and it was tomatoes! ;) That pic is definitely calendar-worthy.

    Heather's Garden

    Katie -- Thanks! I quite enjoyed flipping to the tomatoes yesterday at work. The calendar may be all butterflies this year.

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