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    July 09, 2011



    I love dahlias - too hot here for them (does your friend know of a zone ten plant that might survive?).
    I don't understand why - now - poison ivy would crop up. Is there a specific foam-type spray to kill it, but harm nothing else?
    I sorted through all my refrigerated seeds, but found very little to plant right now. It's just too warm. However, a few well-placed hyacinth beans might sprout in this humid, icky-hot temperature.
    Oh, almost forgot. You did not get poison-ivy as a kid, even though our Guilford back yard was well-rimmed with it. ?Luck?


    We grew those purple beans a few years ago and all our perceived dreams were dashed when, they're boiled, they tun bright green! And poison ivy in pots. That's one way to make sure they don't get stolen off your front porch. And if they do get stolen, at least you'd have a little satisfaction someone's suffering someplace. What's breaking news in my garden? I just realized it's being shown in eight times in tours. My god, what have I wrought?

    Heather's Garden

    Mom -- That would be a magic spray indeed! I really think I'm not allergic to poison ivy, but like I said, I'm not eager to test it.

    Jim -- I felt the same way the first year we grew them and saw they turned green. But they do bear a lot of beans and are quite tasty, not to mention quite pretty on the plant. It would take some very ballsy, strong thieves to steal those containers from the front porch area. I don't know how you can bear to have so many people come through your garden. I'd be a nervous wreck.


    I had no idea that was poison ivy. My husband told me it was a single leaf with three lobes so after seeing your photo, I had to investigate further (and rather exhaustively, I might add). I have that stuff everywhere around me and now I'm a little freaked out. Can a dog get messed up from poison ivy? I heard you should never burn it.

    Heather's Garden

    Wendy -- Only humans have reactions to poison ivy. But dogs can carry the reactive oil on their fur and then you can get poison ivy from touching them. I've heard you should never burn it husband tells of how when he was a kid and people would burn it in the neighborhood he would get a rash on his lips and nose from breathing it in. That said, we have a pretty significant infestation on a tree stump in our garden that we have no idea how to even approach removing...probably the source of the berries that the birds must be eating and then scattering around our garden.

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