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    August 14, 2011



    Love the kale.


    That's a lovely Zinnia and I'm impressed with the Basil. It's doing very well. I let my Coleus flower all the time. I rather like the tiny bloom spikes. That red Coleus of yours is beautiful. Lots going on in your garden and it looks lovely in the rain.


    Your veggies look lavish--maybe even better than flowers! I love the Zinnia. Here we are due for a warm-up after a cool last week so I'm avoiding the garden the next few days.

    Blackswampgirl Kim

    Ha! Another Murphy's Law of Gardening... your hanging basket nasturtiums are upright, and the ones you want to be upright next to the Swiss Chard will spill all the way down to the ground. (I'm laughing WITH you--these things happen to all of us!)

    Your coleus looks way better than mine does right now, and I've been deadheading it regularly. Maybe I should stop! I also have basil and kale envy... *sigh* Happy GBBD!


    Great collection! L

    Lee@A Guide To Northeastern Gardening

    Your August annuals and veggies are looking marvelous! Happy GBBD!

    Christine @ The Gardening Blog

    I love the Zinnias!
    Happy GBBD :)


    Your basil looks so much healthier than mine after rains.

    Happy GBBD!

    Heather's Garden

    Rhonda -- Our first year growing kale and we quite like it!

    Bernieh -- I like the coleus flower spikes too, but they tend to get leggy if I let them bloom.

    HB -- I keep waiting for a cooler day that's not muggy and overcast (cue the swarm of mosquitoes), but it hasn't come, or if it has, I've been stuck in the office that day!

    Kim -- I know, I laughed too. I'm sure I planted the right nasturtiums in the right pots, but I guess they had a mind of their own. Definitely a banner year for basil in our garden.

    Larry -- Thanks!

    Lee -- Thanks, happy GBBD to you too!

    Christine -- It is nice to finally have blooms on those darn zinnias.

    Bom -- It's a great year for basil...not so much for some other plants though.

    The Sage Butterfly

    Your veggies look delicious, and that zinnia is gorgeous. Happy GBBD!


    My 'hot-weather' tomato seedling is croaking - no rain for three days plus mid-nineties weather is just not what it was developed for.
    On the plus side, however, my chives are now over two feet tall and in pretty-purple bloom!
    And, delightful surprise - some hidden malibar seeds sprouted and are now leafing out. I'm thrilled!

    Paul From Alabama

    Your vegetables look scrumptious and l got ornamental 'Black Pearl' peppers coming up all over the place, kinda like your basil, it just comes up.....:-)

    Heather's Garden

    Sage Butterfly -- Thank you, our veggies have been delicious.

    Mom -- My tomatoes are pretty darn ugly too, but they keep giving fruit!

    Paul -- I had ornamental edible peppers pop up all over the garden for 2 years after growing them, but last year they were very slow to develop and I don't think they actually got to seed because I haven't seen any this year. Aren't bonus plants fun?


    Looks like you having fun at least.


    Your vegetables look great, and the coleus are pretty. Hope you are having a good summer!
    Blessings, Beth


    Well it all looks OK even if you haven't been taking care of it. You should cut of the flowers off the basil if you don't want it to stop growing. Christina


    I want zinnias, dammit!


    We had the same soaking rain. Love the lacinato kale and your wet flowers.

    Andrew Statezny

    Really love the up close photo's. Great job landscaping.

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