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    « Feeling Lucky | Main | I Swear I'm Okay »

    October 04, 2011



    Cool site! And, a very worthy fund-raiser cause! I am now going to make coffee, and fringe a Harry Potter scarf....

    Blackswampgirl Kim

    Wow... awesome job with the site, Heather! I'm impressed! Hope that the fundraiser weekend raises an insane amount of money for the library. :)


    Oh, that is a good excuse but I have missed your updates on the garden.


    Was just thinking about you today. Hope the fundraiser went well, and hope you continue to share your garden with us!

    Cindy Juliano

    Hi Heather! Hope it all went well. I've been a spotty blogger myself so don't feel bad. Glad to connect again!

    Lauren Edith

    Ohhh! This is such a fun event for all the children and children-at-heart! The kids look magical in their costumes. This fundraising event is how literacy should be spread to people: by taking care of their library. This was definitely a success.

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