I have noticed a marked increase in the number of hits per day Heather's Garden is receiving this spring. I wasn't blogging yet this time last year (though I had started gardening, just barely), but I'm guessing this is a natural result of spring planting questions. I just hope that some of the folks who stop by via search engine stick around and enjoy their visit.
Some of the wacky searches I've seen lately:
auto plants VPH stats - Apparently VPH means something else altogether in the automotive world.
crazy junk gardens - How did this bring people to me? Do I have a crazy junk garden?
wheelbarrow garden planter for sell in Connecticut - Now that's not even proper grammar, people, nor have I ever written about wheelbarrow garden planters until now and probably won't again.
walking in a store nude - Was this person disappointed to find a gardening blog?
cinder block vegetable gardens pictures - This sounds so unappealing. I have cinder blocks, I have a vegetable garden, never the two shall meet!
can spider poop eat through house siding - OMG I'm shaking -- can it?
homer simpson christmas ornament step on cat - This is eldest step-son's Christmas ornament (we each have one of our own that represents our territory).
CT shoreline couple's party - I hope this person did not stick around -- not to be a prude, but ugh.
why is heather so strange? - Did they find an answer? I'm sure VPH would have a few things to say on this topic.
i have to poop whenever I'm in Home Depot - I'd really like to know the backstory on this one (totally unintentional pun).
how to grow a good garden in ct - Hmmmm, do everything that I do, or nothing that I do?
How did you find this blog and do you plan to keep on visiting?